NCEA Course and Certificate Endorsements

MHS and NCEA recognises higher achievement by awarding endorsements.  These are available at all levels of the qualification and come in 2 different forms – Course endorsement and Certificate endorsement.

Course Endorsement 

Course endorsement provides recognition of student achievement in an individual course or subject. This can be awarded at Achieved, Merit or Excellence Level.

Students will gain course endorsement if, in a single school year, they gain:

  • 14 or more credits at Achieved, Merit or Excellence, and
  • at least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards 

Certificate Endorsement 

Certificate endorsement provides recognition of student achievement across multiple courses and can be awarded at either Merit or Excellence level.  

For an NCEA Level Certificate to be endorsed with merit a student needs to gain 46 credits at merit or excellence.

For an NCEA Level Certificate to be endorsed with excellence a student needs to gain 46 credits at excellence.

Please note:  Due to covid disruption, certificate endorsement was reduced in 2022 only from 50 credits to 46 credits.

To check how many credits your young person has, how many credits they need to gain an endorsement or to see their upcoming assessment due dates either 

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