Massey High School

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Education Review Office (ERO) Report 


In May 2018, ERO carried out a review of Massey High School. The ERO review criteria has changed. All schools are now judged differently and  under the new review criteria the focus is on Equity and Excellence.

ERO found the following key strengths of Massey High School

For sustained improvement and future learner success, the school can draw on existing strengths in:

  • An inclusive, collaborative school culture that supports students to be confident learners
  • Leaders continuing strategic drive for equity and excellence that is resulting in accelerated progress for many learners at risk of not achieving
  • The comprehensive range of learning-based relationships that foster and guide students’ engagement and progress
  • An improvement focussed culture where school practices and processes are adapted to improve student outcomes.


All schools under these review criteria will require a less than 5% difference in outcomes between Maori students and NZ European students for all three Levels of NCEA to qualify for a 4-5 year review cycle.

Please click here to view our latest ERO report.  

Massey High School