Massey High School

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Massey High School's curriculum is based on the principles of the New Zealand Curriculum framework and describes the elements which are fundamental to teaching and learning.
Seven essential learning areas 

These elements include seven essential learning areas, eight essential skills and nine principles, all integrated with positive attitudes towards learning. The notion of a 'seamless' curriculum, whereby students have access to outside agencies such as polytechnics, industries and universities, is incorporated into the Massey model.

We believe the model we have adopted, used in conjunction with effective teaching practices, will develop learners who will demonstrate a high level of competence as well as the ability to deal with complexity and change.

In Years 9 and 10, all students must study subjects from the essential learning areas. In Year 11, each student must study English, Mathematics and a Science. Beyond this, students will be guided into a broad and balanced learning programme.

The school's curriculum caters for many special groups of students. These include:

Gifted and Talented Students

The school's philosophy includes both enrichment and acceleration for our gifted and talented students. Special classes and programmes are offered in the junior school, with an emphasis on developing autonomous learner skills, and excellence in achievement.

In the senior school emphasis is on study skills, mentoring and contact with universities, as students' programmes become increasingly individualised.

Special Education

Programmes have been developed to help students who have learning difficulties.

Special Needs Students

Specialist tutors are available to assist students who are hard of hearing, visually impaired or physically disabled.

Multi-level Studies

This programme enables students to take a range of subjects at different levels. Selected students may sit some NCEA subject in Year 10 while students in Years 12 and 13 may study at any level appropriate to their individual abilities.

Alternative Programmes

These are offered to prepare students who are planning to leave school and assist them in their transition from school to tertiary courses or employment.

International Students

The school provides excellent opportunities for its international students both permanent residents and fee paying students. There is a very well resourced English Language School for new arrivals and ESOL classes exist for international students in the main school. Specialist teachers are employed to assist students whose first language is not English.