Student Support Team

We pride ourselves on having a comprehensive student support team.  This includes our House Deans who focus on pastoral needs of students. Ākina Leaders who focus on academic achievement and student pathways, our Guidance team who provide counselling services to our students and our Learning Support team.

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Hiranga House - Green
"Excellence, striving to be the best that you can be. Represented by the laurel leaf crown it symbolizes constant growth and striving to reach the heights. Links to equity, respect and excellence."
Mrs AshfordEmailExtension - 542
Mr KaloloEmailExtension - 654
Kārearea House - Blue
"NZ Falcon, symbolizing the use of intelligence and skill to succeed and seeking the heights. It also draws parallels with the eagle which is the central link between Massey High School and Whenuapai Airbase. Links to respect and excellence."
Extension - 765
Mr FarringtonEmailExtension - 528
Mātauranga - Yellow
"Knowledge, the parchment in the crest. 
The opportunities for learning and the pathway to wisdom. Links to integrity and excellence."
Mrs DeathEmailExtension - 749
Mr PisiEmailExtension - 787
Tūrama - Red
"The lighting of the torch, the vibrant spark and sustaining mechanism for a lifetime of learning. Links to community and excellence."
Mrs Kanuta
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Mr JonesEmail
Extension - 652
Culture and Relations Lead Dean

Mr Toko

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Ākina Leaders

Ākina means to encourage, to urge on. Ākina Leaders encourage and urge on our students to Seek the Heights in everything they do. Academically, culturally, athletically, and socially.

The Ākina Leader is attached to a year level.  Their focus is Academic Achievement. 

In the junior years, this focus is on the transition to high school and establishing good academic behaviours. 

At Year 9, this will include ensuring students are equipped, connected and ready to learn whilst also introducing them to important study skills required at high school. 

As students move into Year 10 the focus shifts to NCEA. Students will need to understand the qualification requirements, subject pathways, and information on endorsements. 

Ākina leaders also help whānau to navigate the intricacies of this national qualification system and provide important information on how to best support your young person over the coming years.

Throughout Years 11-13, our Ākina Leaders work closely with students to ensure they are getting the very best results they can get. This involves the monitoring and tracking of data, regular meeting with key students and, where necessary, additional support.

If you have any questions or require any advice on anything academic – please reach out to your child’s Akina leaders.

Year 9Mrs van der Kraaij and Mr WheelerEmail
Year 10Miss GolightlyEmail
Year 11Miss Field and Miss NieEmail
Year 12Ms Slijp and Miss LeeEmail
Year 13Ms Cork and Mr Onslow-OsborneEmail
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Guidance Team
The team is made up of 3 professionally trained counsellors who are registered members of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, and we work according to the NZAC code of ethics. We are part of the Student Support Services and work collaboratively with all staff including learning support and the health centre.

We encourage appointments to be made on TEAMS, however if you are needing urgent support, please don’t hesitate to come to the Student Support Services building (next to the Attendance office).

The Guidance Counsellors are (left to right), Sally Williams, Toni Stacey, Laura Menezes
Toni StaceyEmailExtension - 532
Laura Menezes - Head of DepartmentEmailExtension - 544
Sally WilliamsEmail
Extension - 505
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Learning Support
Angela Whyte - SENCOEmailExtension - 575
Nelson Delailomaloma - Transitional Support for new students to Massey High School.
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