Massey High School

School Office Hours

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The below information is a general description of the Massey High School zone boundaries.  You can also click here to check which school/s your address is zoned for.

Starting at the west coast at Motutara Road, Muriwai, (101 Coastline Road included), head along Muriwai Road to Waimauku, include SH16 (971, 964 & below).  Head east along SH16 before turning north into Matua Road then Deacon Road.  Include Old North Road to Pinetone Road (465,338 & below).  Continue on Deacon Road to Riverhead Road then north on the Coatesville Riverhead H/way to Wake Road. 

Head southeast along the centre of Wake Road then along the centre of Ridge Road and south along the centre of Brookdale Road to Paremoremo Creek.  Follow the coastline south, then west into the Brigham Creek crossing Brigham Creek Road (19, 14 & below included) and on to the Northwestern Motorway.  Head south on the motorway to Hobsonville Road.  Head east along the centre of Hobsonville Road into Luckens Road and to Renoir Street (included).  Follow the coastline south into the Henderson Creek and into Woodside Road.  Cross Don Buck Road (35, 28 & above included) into Glen Road then northwest into Birdwood Road.

Turn southwest into Crows Road, west into Sunnyvale Road south into Kay Road. Turn west into Waitakere Road. Turn into Bethells Road then Anzac Valley Road into Street Road. Cut across country to the intersection of Unity Road and Te Henga Road (47, 42 & above included). Continue west on Te Henga Road on to Bethells Road to the coast. Head north along the coast to the starting point.