Principal's Pānui - 1 October 2022

With term 3 drawing to a close, I’d like to thank all the staff, students, and whānau for their contribution to Massey High School. The term has been challenging for all as we managed our way through the rolling absences that were caused by Covid. Students and staff have risen to those challenges. However, the last few weeks have seen us returning to a state approaching that of pre-covid days.

The results of the recent Massey High School Exams, a precursor to the NCEA Exams and the source for derived grades, serve as an important indicator for students and caregivers. Students in particular should be utilising these results to ask themselves a number of key questions:

  • What areas am I confident in, what went well?
  • What areas still requires further effort, what could I be better at?
  • Are their areas that I need specific guidance so that I can succeed?
  • How will I best use the time available to me to prepare for my NCEA Exams?
  • Do I have structures in place to ensure that I look after myself?

Despite putting term 3 behind us, we must not forget that there is still much to be done through term 4. Our staff will be working tirelessly to support our students as they strive to complete the next stage of their qualifications. This is especially true for those students who are catching up on missed assessment opportunities or are looking to improve upon past performance.

I mentioned to the final House Assembly on Friday that the next two weeks needs to be used wisely by our students. They need to balance their commitments (and for some there are many) as they look to use their time to study, to work, and to support family/whanau. Just as importantly though, they need to take time to reflect, to take time for themselves, to enjoy some time with friends and family, and to stop and celebrate the little pleasures in life.

For our staff as well, I made mention that if they don’t need to be on-site, then they shouldn’t be in. Whilst time will be devoted to planning for next term etc. they need to also make sure that they recharge, reconnect, and take time to engage with activities that may be impossible to do during a busy term.

Over the holidays, we are hopeful that work will commence on the conversion of the old library into a new music block, weather permitting there will also be targeted roof (and ceiling) repairs for the wharenui. The next few weeks will also see the foundations being laid for the covered netball court area. I will be taking some time to ascertain the full implications for the school of the move from the outgoing Decile system to the new Equity Index system, as well as confirming a number of changes to our 10 Year Property Plan with the Ministry of Education. 

Upcoming Events

Term 4 provides our school with a number of opportunities to celebrate student success, some o these opportunities make a welcome return after their covid enforced hiatus. Key events are:

  • Thursday 20th October – Sports Prizegiving
  • Wednesday 26th October – Academy Showcase
  • Thursday 27th October – Pō Whakanui
  • Friday 28th October – Year 11 Prizegiving
  • Monday 31st October – Pasifika Awards Night
  • Wednesday 2nd November – Senior Prizegiving
  • Thursday 3rd November – Year 13 Farewell Lunch
  • Friday 4th November – Year 13 Graduation Ceremony 

Week 8 (Beginning 5th December) is our Activity week – we do like to see as many of our Year 9 and 10 students as possible involved in activities and trips through that week. There are a range of activities catering to all. I would encourage parents and caregivers to work with their children to ensure that they have registered for events in that week. Similarly, our Year 12 leadership camp returns, with students and staff spending several days on the Tāwharanui Penninsula. We would like to see as many of our Year 12 students as possible participate in this camp.

To all, enjoy your well earned break.

Ngā mihi


Alastair Fairley