Accord Day - Mana Ōrite mō te Mātauranga Māori

Reviewing our own relationship with what Mātauranga Māori looks like, sounds like and feels like in our own lives, was part of Professor Reid’s kaupapa in her presentation entitled ‘we are our ancestors wildest dreams’.  Doing a simple and fun activity to decide between insects, flowers, pleasant and unpleasant quickly became more complex as we explored the basis of our own decisions.  Staff were gently challenged to reimage their experiences on historical colonisation and asked to consider how their views (through a Mātauranga Māori lens) would affect their decisions in preparing for the future. Whether the context looked at the impacts of climate change; COVID-19; population and health inequities; crime; age or poverty. A hard message given softly and readily received.

Much food for thought as staff continue their journey to acknowledge and give voice to Mātauranga Māori within the learning environments of Massey High School.  Ngā mihi nui ki a koe e te Whaea Papaarangi. Thanks to Professor Reid for her insight.