Special Newsletter - Return to School Update

We are spread out far and wide across the many suburbs that make up the Massey High School community. As such, everyone’s experience over the past few days has no doubt been very different. 

In the wake of the extreme weather event on Friday and the unprecedented flooding it caused, we are all together as a school, with our thoughts directed toward those families from among our communities that are currently facing the prospect of having to leave their homes, or have lost possessions due to water damage. 

Our message to those families is one of support, and for them to focus first and foremost on ensuring that their family/whānau are safe.

With more adverse weather forecast over the coming days, there will be significant changes to our anticipated start for students – please continue to monitor your email, our social media channels, and our school website for any changes to these plans.

This afternoon, the Secretary for Education has directed that schools, kura, early learning services and Tertiary institutions in the Auckland region (Wellsford to Pukekohe) must close for physical attendance and instruction until 7th February. 

Families in need of support

As mentioned above, our thoughts go out to those families who have faced significant upheaval as the result of the flooding.

If you have experienced circumstances that will hinder a return to school, we ask that you please contact either your child’s Deans, or Jenny Marshall in the first instance so that we can work with you to support any return to school. We can also look to support in other ways where possible – or provide assistance in coordinating support from external agencies.

Contact Details (based on your students House/Full time Academy) are:

Hiranga HouseKathryn Ashford[email protected]

Victor Kalolo[email protected] 
Kārearea House
Chris Farrington[email protected] 

Grace Fusitu'a[email protected] 
Mātauranga House
Barb Death[email protected] 

George Pisi[email protected] 
Tūrama House
Duwayne Toko[email protected] 

Teresa Kanuta[email protected] 
Full time AcademyScott Jones[email protected] 
Assistance RequiredJenny Marshall[email protected] 

We have been fortunate to date that in that the school has not suffered damage that will prevent re-opening in line with advice from the Secretary of Education.

Further information will be sent out via all our usual communication channels over the coming days as circumstances change. In the interim, stay safe and stay home.

Ngā mihi

Alastair Fairley, Principal