Cultural Notices

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Kapa Haka VisitThe Honorourable Kelvin Davis, MP for Te Tai Tokerau with our Kapa Haka – Taiohi Tātaki.  

Mr Davis came to have a kōrero with our Kapa about his role as a MP and the rohe he supports.  He was blown away with the leadership our tauira showed, and how well our Kapa are tracking along for the upcoming Polyfest competition.  Tēnā koe Matua Kelvin i tō tautoko i te Kapa nei.

Our Kapa Haka – Taiohi Tātaki perform at Polyfest (Due Drops Event Centre) on Tuesday 4th April, 1.15pm.
Click image to enlarge
Kapa Haka
Polyfest 2023

Congratulations to our Tuvaluan and Tahitian Groups who performed at ASB Polyfest on Wednesday 8 March.

The Tahitian Group run by Owen Te Rei Hanataua Tito & Mary Micheala Tito and Tuvaluan by Makelita Saamu, Matelita Elisala, Kisei Faavae and Phaythe Kalolo-Toailoa.

The Tahitian group was a small group but managed to blow spectators away with their cultural dress and choreography.  

"The Tahitian Group from Massey High had every single judge filming their performance on their phones." - Stuff

... and the results are in!

Massey High's Tahitian Group won the Mana Motuhake Award, placed second for Choreography and were the overall winners of the Diversity Stage at Polyfest 2023 (highest scoring group).

Our Tuvaluan Group won the Judge's Choice Award.

Congratulations to all involved, we are so very proud of you all!!

Tahitian Group - Click to view photos (photo credit Mr Simei-Barton)
Tuvaluan Group - Click to view photos (photo credit Mr Simei-Barton)
Massey High featured in Stuff article
Massey High Tahitian Group featured on Pacific Media Network News

A few photos of the Samoan Group (below, click to enlarge) who took part in Polyfest on Friday, 10 March.
Microsoftteams Image (16)Microsoftteams Image (20)Microsoftteams Image (21)