
Sadly, we have had a confirmed measles case in Auckland, not linked to overseas travel, this indicates there may be more.

Measles is highly infectious and there has been concern about an outbreak due to falling childhood immunisation rates after covid, measles is much more contagious and lethal than covid. 

A reminder of the Measles symptoms: (as many may not have experienced a case due to it previously being eradicated)

  • red blotchy rash
  • fever
  • sore watery eyes
  • cough
  • runny nose 

You are considered immune: 

  • Were born before 1 Jan 1969 
  • Have had measles before 
  • Have had two MMR vaccinations, and the last dose was over a month ago. 
  • Babies under 15 months are considered immune if they have had one MMR dose after 12 months of age, given at least a month ago 
  • Have had a blood test showing you are immune

If unsure or no documentation an MMR vaccine is recommended. 

This vaccination is FREE at your Drs surgery.

Arphs Measles Fact Sheet 

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