A Message from Mr Garelja...
Farewell to Mr Denham on behalf of the Board of Trustees.
Today is Mr Denham’s last day as Principal of Massey High school. His association with the school goes back to 2014 when he was first interviewed and then selected for the position. He built on the foundation left by Bruce Ritchie and has taken the school to new levels in both academic achievement and standing in the community.
His aroha and understanding of our students along with his leadership and encouragement of professional development for our staff has imbued a real sense of pride in the school. If one thing sums up Denham’s effect on our students it is the comment by one when asked about the new uniform. “I no longer feel invisible and people look at me with respect”. His expectation of self-belief and pride creates in our students the basis for successful lives.
He has overseen the growth of our academies and created many legacies for the future. The reconfiguring of the old hall into a “STEAM” lab facility to be shared by local schools and the old Gym into a community accessible place to tie in with our new Health Clinic facility are well under way and would have been completed in not for Covid19 delays.
Mr Denham is off to be Headmaster at Wellington College and while we are disappointed that he is moving on we are both thankful for his time at Massey High and excited that he will be near the seat of power in Wellington where he will easier be able to influence the direction of education in New Zealand.
The Board of Trustees thanks Mr Denham for his time and commitment to Massey High and our wider community and wishes him well for the future.