Academy Stars - Term 1 2022

The 2022 academies are off to a great start with the students enjoying their vocational training in a wide variety of courses. In Term 2 we will see the start of our Hospitality students going to NZMA for chef training, Radio going to NZ Radio School and Tourism Plus going on various courses at NZ School of Tourism. Our outstanding Academy Star students so far for this Term are:




Jordan Charlton

L3 Automotive

Great timekeeping, good work ethic and conscientious.

Jackson Death

L2 Automotive 1

Hard working, punctual and racing ahead with theory work.

Jarome Koroi

L2 Automotive 2

Quiet achiever, ahead with Theory work and producing great work

Leorosie Hunter

L2 Tourism Plus

Excellent attitude. Has passed 3 assessments already. Impressed at Reception Duty.

Shyla Dutt 

L3 Tourism Plus

For gaining 100% in all sections of two online assessments.

Daniel Dennis

L1 Hospitality

Such a positive attitude and is always actively involved in the hospitality learning process. 

Eden Kelly

L2 Hospitality MU

For demonstrating excellent knowledge and skills that are required in a commercial setting.

Ryan van Vugt

L3 Hospitality Full Time

For having such a positive attitude and enjoying his work.

Zorifa Khan

L2 Early Childhood Education

Consistently working at a very high standard, with enthusiasm and positive energy. Helpful to others.

Shavaughn Baker

L3 Early Childhood Education

Designed amazing items for unit 6700 and attending her centre.

Makelita Saamu

L3 Early Childhood Education

Consistently working at a very high level and attending her centre.

Jade Bench

L3 Early Childhood Education

Quietly working at a high standard, meeting deadlines, completing work to a high standard

Stella Hoff

L3 Early Childhood Education Extension

Working independently and working at Seven Stars in a positive and productive way. 

Tawhiuau Rathnam

L2 Carpentry Full Time

For his leadership skills and being able to tuakana-Teina others.

Zain Ahmed

L2 Carpentry Full Time

For his great work ethic and impressive skills.

Tee Reh 

L3 Building Full Time

For cutting ten perfect blocks in his assessment.

Jesse MacNamara 

L1 Pre-Academy Building

Great attention to detail. He cares about his work. Excellent accuracy.

Millen Cargill 

L1 Pre-Academy Building

Great attention to detail. He cares about his work. Measures accurately.

Henry Fisher 

L1 Pre-Academy Engineering

Does all his own tasks to a high standard and then helps others.

Caleb Hogg 

L1 Pre-Academy Engineering

He follows instructions well. He always asks questions to ensure he does not make mistakes.

Jerome Natan

L2 Radio Academy

Brings a positive and professional work ethic to class. He excels in every task in Radio Academy.