Beehives at Massey High

The building academy students have been constructing a retained pathway to the site where beehives will be sited in Term Two. 

As part of the Hospitality Academy’s, “Field to Plate” apiculture programme, bees are arriving at MHS in Term 2. The beehives will be a partnership between Beezthingz and the school.

The school already has a garden on the slope by the Hospitality Academy that has grown pumpkins, lemons and rhubarb to name just a few resources that are grown and then used in the kitchen. We are now very excited to extend this to apiculture, the care of bees and the harvesting of honey. 

The bees will be sited away from the main school behind the academy offices, and we are grateful for the Building Academy students constructing a pathway to the location.

Anyone who has concerns about the bees, especially about anaphylaxis should contact the school nurses, on 09 831 0500 ext 758 (Pat)  ext 619 (Rachel) or ext 531 (Jeanette) or via email [email protected]..