Health Centre News

Important information provided by our Health Centre Nurses.

Youthline Counselling AvailableYouthline
When can students go to the Health Centre?
Our Health Centre Nurses are available to see students for emergency purposes and if they have scheduled an appointment up until 11.00am each day.  Emergencies include (for example): chest pain, shortness of breath, vomiting/diarrhoea, seizures, serious bleeding.

After 11.00am they are open for student “drop in”.  During class time students must have a note from their teacher, if they do not have a note they will be sent back to class to get one before they can be seen.  Students do not require a note to be seen during interval or lunch breaks.

Appointments to see our Nurses can be made here.
Dental Care
FREE Dental Care for Under 18’s - click here for further information.
Measles is a very serious illness. It spreads through the air by sneezing and coughing.
The first signs are a high fever and runny nose, cough, and red eyes.
Check that your Rangatahi have had their two MMR vaccines that were given at 12-15 months of age and the other at 4 years (from Oct 2020 second MMR is now given at 15 months).
The best prevention is two MMR vaccinations. If you are unsure how many your family have had, check with your doctor. Vaccines are free for rangatahi and adults who have not had two doses.
Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 if you have symptoms and need advice or see
Head Lice
Head lice are small insects found on the human head. They grow to about the size of a pin head, sesame seed or grain of sand.
Head lice live on the hair and feed by sucking blood from the scalp. They are pale grey (before feeding) and reddish brown (after feeding). Head lice do not carry or pass on disease.
Click here for further information.
Your student can collect a FREE lice comb from the school nurses at morning tea or lunch time­ (limited supply).
Sanitary Products
Free sanitary products are available from Health Centre, Student Support Services, P6, B106, P.E., Deans and Careers L3

Healthy Homes