Leadership Programme

The Junior Leadership Programme aims to grow the leadership capabilities of our Year 9 ākonga by providing opportunities to learn and gain experience with effective communication, teamwork and facilitating group agendas. One of the opportunities was participating in the GRIP Leadership Conference. 

This is what Kiera Hirzel (9MCS) has to say about the event: 

Attending the GRIP Leadership Conference taught us how to demonstrate leadership skills such as opportunity identification and successful teamwork. Through this incredible opportunity, we were able to connect with students from various schools and learn about what leadership meant to them. There were also lots of engaging team building activities for everyone, including crowd karaoke, sound effects guessing, and even a dance party! 

Massey High School students were not only competitive, but also supportive of other students and interested in exploring new ideas. We displayed our school values of manākitanga, whanaungatanga and rangatiratanga while also enjoying a laugh. Students from Massey High School were well-represented in our uniform, and we participated enthusiastically in activities both in small groups and on stage in front of hundreds of people. 

The conference was highly motivating and sparked ideas and hopes for the future in us. A key statement in this was "Leaders look for opportunities to do things better than they have been done before." The main think I took away from this conference was the idea of integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral values. We are so grateful for this opportunity to learn more about leadership.