Return to School - Term 2

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

As you are aware, the Government moved New Zealand to the Orange setting of the COVID Protection Framework at the end of last Term. Within school, we were seeing that daily case numbers were beginning to decline.

Massey High School will continue with the 2.50pm finish to the school day for the first week of Term at least. We will be reviewing this during the first week and will update our community accordingly.

Face masks

At Orange, face masks are no longer mandatory at school. However public health advice is that masks continue to be strongly encouraged when indoors. At Massey High School we will continue to promote this. Wearing a mask is a key health measure that slows the spread of COVID-19 in indoor settings.

We ask that visitors to the school, including parents and whānau, wear a mask whenever they are indoors on school grounds.

We also ask that your child continues to bring a mask to school every day. We will be strongly encouraging students to wear masks and ask parents to support this in your conversations with your child.

Masks to be worn in some classrooms.

Although masks are no longer mandatory – we advise that we do have some staff members that will request that students wear masks when in their classroom. We ask that students and whanau respect these requests – in instances such as this, the request will be made to immune compromised staff/family members of staff or other medical reasons that require that staff member to mitigate risk as much as practicable.

A supply of masks will be available in such classrooms should any student not have their own mask with them.

Masks required in some settings.

We would also ask that students wear masks (unless they have an exemption) in any indoor setting beyond a classroom e.g. assemblies etc.

Please note – any students visiting the school health centre MUST wear a mask.

If there is a significant rise in cases at school or in the community, we will review our procedures and advise our community accordingly.


At Orange, secondary school students are still required to wear a face mask on school or public transport.

Other health measures

We will continue to keep all the other health measures in place at school that we know slow the spread of COVID-19. These include ensuring our indoor spaces are well-ventilated, maintaining good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette, appropriate physical distancing whenever we can and, most importantly, staying home if we are sick. As we move into the winter months, we would ask parents to ensure any student who is unwell with a cough or cold remains at home until fully recovered.

Positive Cases/Isolation

Please complete the following form should your child return a positive test or are required to isolate as the result of being a household contact of a positive case.

COVID Questionnaire – absence from school - Massey High School

We are looking forward to seeing our students back on Monday 2 May