Student Leaders for 2022

Massey High School traditionally announces our Premier Student Leaders at our end of year prizegiving ceremony. With Level 3 in place last year, we were unable to do so – postponing it so that parents and caregivers could share in the event.

We were scheduled to announce our Leaders at a full Year 13 assembly today, but under Red Light settings this was unable to go ahead. Instead, an event (complying with Red Light Settings) was held in two parts, allowing parents and caregivers to see their children appointed as either Gold Badge Prefects or House Leaders. We were also able to acknowledge the immense contribution of our 2021 Student Leaders, it was a privilege to welcome so many of them back as they handed over their roles to their successors.

The appointments for 2022 are:

  • Head Boy - Luke Ryan
  • Head Girl - Kaycey Dangen
  • Deputy Head Boy - Matthew Webster
  • Deputy Head Girl - Tahlya Waikiki
  • Academic Leaders - Samuel Wagner & Liz Kuschel-Young
  • Community Leaders - Benedict Maloney & Greer Wilson
  • Arts Leaders - Monty Vea & Yujung Heo
  • Cultural Leaders - Independence Anetone & Rachiel Vea
  • Sports Leaders - Loa Latu & Hannah Naylor
  • House Leaders:
    • Hiranga - Zavier Leka & Eniseli Havea
    • Karearea - Logan Wild & Erima Tuita
    • Matauranga - Kiera Dunn & Vania Mudaliar
    • Turama - Nicholas Tan & Yaisa Palmero Epstein

Congratulations to you all.